Upgrades to Lift Station Pumps A and B
Last year the Town contracted with American Engineering Consultants to perform the sewer system modeling and capital improvements program. This involved field investigations and condition assessment of the system. American Engineering conducted monitoring to establish wet weather and summer peaking factors to be used in the hydraulic model calculation. This involved installing data loggers in all 13 lift stations. Monitoring took place over 6 months. A hydraulic model of the system was created using GIS data obtained from the Town. Using field evaluations and the hydraulic model, American Engineering created a list of critical sewer system areas and improvement recommendations.
After consulting with the engineers about the collection system and issues identified, a sewer tap moratorium was issued in March 2021. In April 2021, American Engineering presented their findings and recommended solutions for the sewer system.
Phase I of the proposed recommendations include:
- Upgrade Pump Stations A and B with larger pumps (keep centrifugal type pumps)
- New Variable Frequency Drives and Controls at both pump stations
- No new forcemain to be installed – no easements or construction outside of pump station required – Short Construction Duration
This recommendation provides approximately 70 Residential Equivalent Units (taps) each added to Pump Station A and Pump Station B and approximately 80 Residential Equivalent Units added to Pump Station C over the number of current connections.
The project cost $860,000.
$112,000 Engineering (Funded)
$748,000 Construction (Seek $500,000 grant from SC Rural Infrastructure)
Project Manager-Iris Hill
American Engineering Consultants
$61,452.00-Sewer System Modeling and Capital Improvements Program- Work Authorization 14 Council approved October 10, 2019
$112,000-Upgrades to Pump Stations A and B-Work Authorization 15 approved by Council May 13, 2021.
Colleton County Capital Project Sales Tax provided the $112,000 in funding for the engineering phase.
SC Rural Infrastructure Authority - Jackie Mack Senior Program Mgr
The SCRIA notified the Town on November 1, 2021 that the $500,000 grant was approved. Grant #R-22-1305
Project Updates
The SC Rural Infrastructure Authority Grant Application has been completed and will be submitted on September 13, 2021 for $500,000. The local match is $248,000. This grant application is for the construction of Lift Station A and Lift Station B pump upgrades that will allow the Town to lift the moratorium.
Colleton County Council approved funding in the amount of $112,000 for engineering the upgrades to pump stations A and B.