Yacht Club Road Drainage and Paving

The end of Yacht Club Road pavement and bike path are in disrepair. There is also a drainage system that was impacted from the previous years storms. Town staff will be working on the drainage and the pot holes on Yacht Club Road. Bids are being acquired for repaving the end of the road as well as the bike path.
Bob Doub, Project Manager
Action Services, Inc.-$36,937
Project Updates
This project was completed on October 18, 2019
Action Services started the project on October 15, 2019
The business license was obtained and notice to proceed was issued on September 23, 2019. Robert Doub is overseeing the project for the Town.
The signed contract was received with all backup.
Notice to award was mailed on September 13, 2019 with the contract.
Council awarded the contract to Action Services, Inc. at a cost of $36,937 to be funded from a transfer from general fund contingency to general fund capital projects.