Fire Department Barracks Renovation

Renovate the Fire Department to address access to and from the barracks area by firefighters.
M. Padgett Engineering and Construction-Engineers
$16,675.15 Council approved July 12, 20
Mark Aakhus -Project Manager
Mitchell Construction Company, Inc.
Council approved May 14 2020 for $85,570 plus $17,460 for a total of $103,030.
Change Order No. 2 approved June 11 for $14,975 adjusted contract total $118,005.
Change Order No. 3 approved Jul 9 for $1,275 adjusted contract total $119,280.
Change Order No. 4 approved Aug 13 for a credit of ($320) adjusted contract total $118,960.
Project Updates
The Fire Department Barracks renovation project is complete.
Construction is scheduled to begin June 1st, 2020 and is expected to be completed by August 1st, 2020.
Construction began on June 1, 2020
Bids were received. Award will be going to Council May 14, 2020.
A request for proposals has been released as of February 14th with proposals due March 20th 2020.
A request for proposals has been released as of February 14th with proposals due March 20th 2020. This was extended until April 30, 2020 due to COVID 19.